“Highlights of the game”

Sweet Baby Jesus and Joseph, so much for Mom’s Night.

There are no highlights of this last game from the perspective of the Habs. Cole Caufield scored two of the most meaningless goals in Habs history tonite, and the goaltenders finally had a game where they were human.

Since the beginning of the season I’ve been following the Montreal Canadiens and the Colorado Avalanche. I decided I needed to do that because I felt I’d lost perspective. I no longer knew what good hockey looked like after last years tire fire of a season from Les Glorieux. As many injuries as the Avs have sustained this year, the Habs can’t hold their jock straps even with injuries.

Watching the Canadiens lately has been just as pathetic an exercise as last season, and perhaps more so. The Avs, who are not world beaters this year but who are miles better than the Habs, might have scored 12 on the blue-blanc-rouge tonite. To say that the Habs were bad tonite is an understatement. they got scored on once every six minutes.

The next time anyone wants to point at the first 20 games of the schedule and say that they matter, just stop them. Its fools gold. They might confirm who a few bad teams are, but few of the good ones. It is in the next chunk of 20 games that separation occurs, hope fades, and reality set in.

I really thought it couldn’t get more embarrassing than the drubbing at the hands of the Panthers.

One struggles to find a word to describe what 9-2 feels like. Whats past drubbing? Hammering? Pounding? Shellacking? 9-2 is a world junior score where Canada plays Japan or Kazakstan. 9-2 doesn’t exist in professional hockey. Just shut up, it doesn’t, ok?

If the last 10 games are any indication of how rough the next stretch of the season is going to be, then Habs fans might as well watch other teams. Its not like any hockey is going to be played the rest of the way.

At least they had their moms to console them after.

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