That Sweet House Money

Its not often wins and losses matter as much as when a team is in the chase. The Habs, realistically only in the chase for a draft pick, have at least made games close of late. They had a nice coach bump with the arrival of Martin St. Louis, even if the version of the Habs that made it to the stanley cup finals is only a memory.

And you know what? That doesn’t matter. It really doesn’t matter that they lost to the Coyotes.

What matters is that the pain of the last few months has been stripped away and in its place has been that sweet house money. Thats right, there is no such thing as a loss right now. We can quit belly-achin’ and take comfort in this – when the Habs win we win, but when the lose, we still win.

Its fortunate that, with only 30 games or so left in the season, the pain of living and dying with the losses and wins of this awful season has mercifully abated. In its place is a serenity, a blissful detachment we should all be thankful for.

And here is a nice thought : the young players have got it going again. There was a game that my friends and I were playing about 2 months ago – who were the 6 players on the Habs that were untouchable. My list was – Suzuki, Romanov, Toffoli, Anderson, Poehling, Edmundson. When Toffoli was traded Caufield took his place.

But among all the friends I played the game with, not a one put Cole Caufield on that list. He is now.

Today the list has shifted a bit more. In my opinion, Joel Edmundson has been supplanted by Rem Pitlick. I like his speed, poise, and his ability on both sides of the puck. At 24 There are still opportunities to improve. He will be a valuable player for years to come.

And that makes it more and more alright that the team couldn’t beat the Coyotes. AGAIN.

When you play with house money, there is no such thing as losing.

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