Here we go!

Tonight the winner of the Vegas/Montréal series will be decided. If the Knights win, its a best of three and my prediction of the Habs winning is wrong. But, if the Habs win, then I believe my prediction – Habs in 6 – is looking like a lock.

Game 3 saw a continuation of the abysmal officiating we saw in game 2. The score ended Habs 3 – Knights + Chris Lee 2. Yes, I’m using the name of the official who we know has a terrible track record of calling penalties on the Habs. He is also going to be officiating tonite’s contest. If drawing blood doesn’t merit a penalty, I really don’t know what does.

But the game is on right now, and features Alex Tuch centering the first line with Pacioretty and Stone on the wings. Robin Lehner is playing.

Thats a really interesting development. Lets see how it goes.

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